Inflation eating into your returns? Get real returns with PowerUp!
FD rates have seen a drastic high in the past 1 year which has led to an obvious inclination towards the same.
But there is a reason behind this change - Inflation.
Economists believe that a considerable amount of inflation boosts the economy. Yet, India has surpassed the “acceptable range” and is now in a dangerous zone.
Let’s take a closer look at this.
Although some inflation is healthy, once it crosses that threshold, your hard-earned returns will take a hit.
While FD rates might look attractive now, the returns net of inflation i.e. the real returns, have historically been negative.
*Real return is the return you get after removing inflation.
And here’s the worst part- no bank will tell you this. As this is a drawback for them, they’ll present a fallacy but in reality, the loss in purchasing power will only be observed years later. It’s business after all.
Keeping up with inflation by infusing money into FDs is not the only or best way to safeguard yourself.
This is when people turn to the stock market for reassurance.
However, it’s easier said than done. After all, the stock market is unfair.
It promises much better returns and wealth growth while deceitfully hiding the fact that those higher rewards come with even higher risks.
But not everyone is savvy enough or has the time to follow every company like a hawk. As a result, people end up losing their money investing through hasty, unsolicited suggestions due to the allure of the gold pot.
Don’t take our word for it, here is the CEO of India’s largest broker saying the same.
So what are you left with?
Is there anything else a hard working, young, salaried person can turn to? Something which not only provides positive real returns but does so without the outrageous risk?
P2P (peer-to-peer) lending, a simple yet effective instrument which allows a person to invest their capital and beat the FD by generating an easy 9–11% return while keeping risk in check.
This may shock you, but it is certainly real.
These returns are achieved by pooling the money and loaning it out to the public via a banking partner or NBFC.
There are risks involved, including not knowing where your money is going.
But these risks can easily be reduced if you invest through a safe and verified platform like PowerUp by Uni.
PowerUp is a P2P investment product by Uni. It provides a platform to lend your money to nation’s creditworthy without a lock-in period and with super high returns.
You can invest as low as INR 10,000 which is then lent to 100+ creditworthy indivisuals. As a person’s capital is divided between multiple loans to different parties, the risk is further reduced.
With PowerUp, you can finally get real returns and beat inflation.